Comments : I May Have You Yet You Will Never Have Me

  • 18 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Luanne my gawd! I have not been touched or inspired so much from a poem in a long long time. I have had the worst day I have been on the verge of having a nervous breakdown and then I came across your piece and with admiration my tears shortly turned into a smile, this is inspiration and beauty in its most pure poetic form...Thankyou Luanne for putting things into perspective for me...spectacular write :o)

  • 18 years ago


    Such a powerful statement! The strength you possess my dear friend is astounding and is displayed within this piece from the title to the last line!
    Not many, would have the strength and perseverence to continue fighting, you are truly an inspiration to me!
    Take care and keep it up~Holly

  • 18 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    A very inspiring write... A very strong, will power to have such optimism. I admire your strength. This poem is so wonderfully done. A clearly conveyed subject.

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Awww Luanne!!! This poem got me all teary eyes. It was so sad, and it was so powerful. You are so strong, and your poetry shows it. Keep fighting it, and we will stand by your side as your support. A very inspirational write. Love you lots Luanne, keep smiling :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    Inspiring and powerful! Truly a beautiful and touching poem...

    "Slowly with each and every passing day
    stealing pieces of the person I use to be
    mixing me up into a jig saw puzzle
    scattered pieces of the real me"
    ^^^ This stanza is incredible and that last line is so full of strength... Stay strong!

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Mama this makes me sad :(..just to know you are struggling with it! I mean uhh it breaks my heart...just keep praying Luanne you say laughter is the best medicine (I agree) however I believe we have another doctor, God...keep praying LUanne you are in my prayers always and I just love how your so strong and optimistic about all this! My mom actually was tested For MS thank god she doesnt have it but im actually about to post a poem about her..anyways thats gettin off the topic..I admire your smiles Luanne it makes me smile!
    I love you!

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Luanne, a beautiful poem you've done here, every lines so very meaningful and every stanza so very inspiring, a simple words i want to say, thank you for writing and sharing with your beautiful poem, i enjoyed myvisit here, i will come again, keep writing. and i wish you and each of your loved ones have many wonderful blessing, keep smiling and be safe, bert.

  • 18 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Good work love. a great poem with a strong message to teach. i think my favorite stanzas were the last and second fromlast, but i can't pick one over the other, sorry love.


  • 18 years ago

    by ..eliSa*

    Beautiful poem. never be affraid to be who you are. your an beautiful individual, unique and bold regardless of anything else uve been told! thats a quote from one of my poems called you if u need sum inspiration or sumthing to relate to. overall i love your poetry and i love how u finished thios poem. it summed it up greatly. good job, keep it up.. smile!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Wow, this really made me think! great flow, descriptions, and emotion! another excellent poem! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tim Fleckney

    What an incredible write, thank you so much for sharing. I find you and your poetry to be inspiring keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Janice Brown~©~

    i have tears in my eyes. That is an absolutely gorgeous poem! .. .keep writing darl!

  • Luanne I Love You So Much Sweetheart, And I'm Proud Of You!! =) Keep Up The Good Fight & Posotive Additude...This Was The First Time I Was Aware Of Your Disease And Personaly It Pisses Me Off That Someone As Sweet As You Has To Suffer Through Something So Difficult..But Your Strong You'll Be Fine *Hugs* 5/5 xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Ohhhh Luanne, can't see to type for tears....You have always been an inspiration to me and I admire your courage, your strength, your faith and your willpower to prevail....I loved you from day one....and You've touched me more than you know....I pray for you daily and will continue too as long as God gives me breathe. I love you...What a touching and inspiring write for so many....I wish I was there to give you a big you so much, Ann

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Never in my life have I ever met anyone with such a strong attitude. I'm a very happy person and almost NOTHING can get me down but I promise, you are beyond words!

    This poem is so encouraging and I think THIS is the type of poem that all these "sad and depressed" teens should be reading. Whether you know it or not you are such an inspiration! To MANY, I know!!

    It's perfect!! Besides the fact that it was so well written the message (even aside from the REAL issue) is divine! Luanne I will forever remember you...if one day I leave P&Q you are one person (along with your poetry) that I will NEVER forget!! You're simply amazing!

    I sure do hope all is well...take care!! :) AWESOME WRITE!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie84

    And BTW...anyone who rated this less than PERFECT is a damn fool!! It MORE than perfect! It should sitting on 5.0!!

  • 18 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Very STRONG ending! Keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by JoJo

    this is very moving and trithful, it has touched me deeply cos multiple sclerosis runs in my family. my dad and gran have it and i can see the effects it has on them and our sourounding family day in day out. it is a hard thing to live throught and you have to be strong , even the family have to be strong ( i know that for a fact). but expressesing the way you feel about it and telling everyone... i mean admitting you have it is a strong thing to do. n one in my family will talk about it, or tell anyone. so i would be gratful to hear what you think about living with it is like. an dif you have any ideas on ways to talk to my dad about it.
    thank you and well done
    jojo ####

  • 18 years ago

    by Briuana Smith

    That poem was good and touching. I feel the same way and I can relate to u. Keep ya head up and keep writting

  • 18 years ago

    by jessel jane

    Awesomely wonderful.... such a wonderful talent u have... what a nice pick for the topic!!!

    whew!!! guess u have nspired me and others luanne...

    keep up the good work

    im juz passing by n here...hehe