Comments : No one

  • 18 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Beautiful poetry.

  • 16 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Okay there were a few typos. your poem looks like this

    "No one cares about me
    no one knows who i am
    no one'sever loved me
    my life is like a scam

    I do my best
    i work real hard
    but no one'sshere to listen
    My life now feels more scard

    I'm through with second thoughts
    when no one's there to care
    i'm through with giving out my heart
    When no one is there "

    and it should look like

    "No one cares about me
    no one knows who i am
    no one's ever loved me
    my life is like a scam

    I do my best
    i work real hard
    but no one's here to listen
    My life now feels more scarred

    I'm through with second thoughts
    when no one's there to care
    i'm through with giving out my heart
    When no one is there"

    just thought you should know that. and i think we have all been the point of giving up. just dont be too quick to. things will get better. eventually they have to.