It Once Was a Fairytale

by mer   May 15, 2006

Waves of current
flowing through the line
He's on the other end
Shedding tears for the
once loved princess

She was done
Life had dealt her a bad hand
She turned to her last hope,
The sound of angels singing
in his voice

Salty tears and blood felt fears
Her screaming fell to a whisper
Memories of past regrets
Combined with
Nightmares of triumph
She kissed his sweet soul goodbye

He used his persuasive speech
To return her to her sanity
That he had once owned
The one he haunted now
He kept her alive
With the knife he held
over her head

"I loved you, and i let you go."
But he didn't return she remembered
He did not care for her
as she did him
He adored those before her
Therefore, It was time to go

She attacked his asthma filled air
As she uttered her last words
He shouted as she fell to the
black, hard pillow of concrete
Wishing he had seen it coming
But not believing she had gone
That she was with her maker now

Now he stands at her grave
Weather seeming colder than ever
Laying roses,
Pink, her favorite
Saying goodbye in the best way he knew how,
Immatation showing flattery
He too fell, returning to her
with satisfaction


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