Far Away

by 111308   May 15, 2006

I've been too far away,
And far away I will stay,
There's no need to come back,
There's nothing but shattered bits left on the floor,
I can't keep all these memories I've had here,
I don't want to feel all the pain they hold,

All I want to do is give up,
But everytime your around,
You always seem to lighten up my day,
And I don't think I want to give that away,
I wonder if you'd care if I went away,
Not just away but gone from this world,
Would you care?
Would you shed a single tear?

You never looked under my sweatshirts,
If you'd lift up the sleeves,
I wonder what'd you see....
And what'd you think of me,
I lift up my sleeves just to see the real me....
And I see...
All the scars from all the painful crying nights,
The nights we're I'd just sit in a little corner,
And I'd cry for hours....
Then I'd know crying wouldn't solve anything,
I would go into my top drawer,
And I'd grab my blade,
I'd make small slits across my skin,
Just so I could ease the pain,

The first time it hurt,
But after a few times it helped,
It helped ease the pain that runs through my vains,
And now cutting it soothes me,
It soothes every part of me,
I do this as a routine,
A daily routine,
The scars they build up,
The deffinately are multiplying,
But no one sees,
These scars that are hidden beneath me,
I wonder if anyone can see in my eyes,
The tearful sorrows that I cry,

I stop thinking about the flashbacks,
And i turn back around to look at me in the mirror,
And the secrets that are hidden beneath the sea,
Then I take my blade,
And I cut deeply down upon my wrist,
I wonder if I had cut deep enough tonight,
But I know i did this time,
Because it hurt worse that the others,
I look down and the blood is pouring out,
I scream in pain,
This time i hit a vain,
And I deffinately will end this game,
I'll finally end this pain,

I finally sit down gently on the floor,
My body is loosing blood,
And I'm starting to shake,
I can feel my body go numb,
This sensation is deffinately overwhelming,
It's just like novacaine running through all your vains,

I start to closemy eyes,
There gettting heavy now,
This will be just like an amazing dream,
I'm feeling myself drifting away,
And the pain is easing each second,

Then I see your beautiful face,
And the smile that lightens up my day,
Then I see your smile fade away,
And then me leave this place....


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  • 18 years ago

    by sweetiepie18

    Again a really strong impact on your reader. Language holds a lot of power and in the hands of an expert like you it can be manipulated to produce a masterpiece. this and all your other poems prove it. keep writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by LittleMissImperfect

    Oh my god i felt every word of that, it really got to me. That poem is soooo good!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    Wow Steph! That was really good. Long and filled with alot of emotion. I really liked it. It's different to alot of the poems I read. Not sure how, But it is. And I love it! Keep it up! && Smile! 5/5

    `taleee xx