Suicide And Broken Hearts

by Grace   May 15, 2006

OK..I Decided to write this poem...i actually no a girl Named Jessey and her Boyfriend well he broke her heart and she thought about Suicide so i wrote this cause i was thinking of her!


Once Upon a time..
There once lived a Girl,
She was Loved By Many,
And Hated By none,
She was a Happy little Girl
till he left her All alone,
in her fingers her hair starts to twirl..
one day...
was the worst Day of all..
He left her alone,
and alone she was found....
Dead...and spread out on the Flat ground,
Their was Blood leaking all over The Floor
with Written on her mirror "Your a Filthy little w.h.o.r.e"
The little girls mom walked in to see..
Her Daughters Steady body laying on the ground..
There was a note..her dear mother Found Next to her Body...
That read...
::""Mom, Dad I Love You with all mi heart..
But Now was the Time...I had to Re-start!
God Lead me down this beautiful Road
And Said i was to Beautiful to be left alone,
Listen to this letter as I explain why i had to go,
I was living a Lie.......that i Despised(Sp?)
I couldn't help but take the Knife,
My Life Flashed before my eyes..
and I realized why i despised The world..
Tell Bobby i love him.....
But i couldn't take the Pain....
tell Bobby i love him..
and there was so much more to Gain.....
Don't let this Harm you...
For I Am just your daughter...
Remember the one you didn't care for?
the one you didn't Bother..
just forget about me...and move on with your life's..
I'm sure you'll be OK....Living in these Lies...
Your forgotten daughter Jessey"::


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