I wanted to

by ღPrEciiOuz~KiiZeZღ   May 15, 2006

I wanted to always
have you close to me
especially after you made the promise
that we'd always be

i wanted to b your everything
but you kept pushing my love away
you never understood that
forever with you i wanted to stay

i wanted to make you smile
like you never did before
since our first touch i knew
you'd be the one I'd adore

i wanted to believe a lie
that i was the only one in your eyes
its because of you
my heart every night cries

i wanted to tell you i love you
but i know one day I'd be replaced
she's the one you cant forget
and one day being with me you'll forget

i wanted to not cry
but my tears would never stop
every time u told me how u felt
another tear would drop

** i wrote this for my new love Carlos**


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  • Its such a beautiful peice yet its so sad...well structured!
    well done and keep it up


  • 17 years ago

    by Ken

    Great poem keep up the great work 10/10*

  • 18 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Hey cool poem
    nice to see that people are still working toward good poetry
    if u dont mind, could u please rate and comment my new poem THE LITTLE THINGS YOU DO
    ill be sure to return the favor once u comment and rate
    thanksss :)

  • 18 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Absolutely beautiful poem hun... I've missed your poetry, I hope you come back and write some more! The rhyming pattern was perfect and I love the way you blend the words together. Keep writing and take care!

  • 18 years ago

    by Heidi

    Great writing! i'm glad you could share it with us all! it was awesome, keep it upp! i love your work


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