The Night's Dead Cry

by mer   May 16, 2006

The cool nights breeze overwhelms me
It tells me they are gaining on me
Killing my tracks as they will do me
Once death is done playing its hide and seek game

I had to cease their punishment
For the crime no Jew committed
Stand up to the wrongful anger they bestowed upon me
And I slipped out right under Hitlers nose

I am afraid they will find me
For I know just how they will
Make me a past memory,
As they did the others,
Who did not live up to the impossible to achieve standards
The sick minded German NAZI set

I see their dogs,
The ones they breed to be heartless like them
And I am at once not afraid anymore
If I give up myself, I might save another.
I may not be the hero or Sheppard these poor souls are seeking
But I can at least give them refuge from these dogs for a while
Therefore I will stand now and forevermore


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Wow this is a really good poem. I really like the title. great job on this! Keep it up!