She's forever broken
Her heart can't be fixed
Her dad's hurtful words
Her mom's screaming
The lies
Ending friendships
Tears roll down her face when she's alone
She has the biggest smile though when others are around
She puts up a front
She tries so hard
But she keeps getting stabbed in the heart
Her legs get heavier and heavier each step she takes
The words keep going through her head
Words really do hurt
It's so painful
She waits for things to change but they won't
She's not good enough
He chose someone else
That's all that runs through her head all day every day
He says other wise
But she can't believe it
After she is hurt so much
Can she really trust anyone anymore?
She wants to believe them
She really does
But she can't
No one understands what its like
To get hurt over and over again
She keeps telling them that she forgives them but deep down she will never forget
So many rumors
Life is just confusing
Her heart can never be fixed
She cries herself to sleep every night
No one knows
No one really knows the real her
She sometimes wonders if he looks at the same moon at the same time as her
And maybe just maybe he misses her
Maybe for one minute he thinks about her and the good memories
She wishes that she was as invisible as he makes her feel
But how can you regret the one thing that makes you smile
The one thing that ever made since to her was him
He doesn't get it though