
by Kristi   May 19, 2006

It began with her hair
Falling strand by strand
Soon the flesh of her scalp
Heated to a boil
Like wax, it dripped from her head
But instead of gathering
Like a puddle
The drops evaporated
Into nothingness
Her eyes began burning
As if a flame
Was within her pupil
She blinked
but when re-opening her eyes
Nothing remained
Besides two hallow sockets
Her teeth loosened
Until no longer
Attached to her bleeding gums
Then they fell out
One by one
In an instant
She felt the blaze
Of her body torching
First, each skin cell
Would burn to a crisp
Each layer of skin
Disintegrating faster
Every organ of her body
Would cook as if
It were a steak
She prayed to God
To end her pain
But she had waited too long
All that was left
Were ashes
Gently gliding in the breeze
She wanted to scream
But had no voice
She wanted to cry
But had no tears
She had waited too long


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