Bullying Is Sad

by Steph Faragxx*   May 19, 2006

Bullying Is Sad,
Why And How Can People Be So Cruel?
They Should Be The Victim,
Let The See The Suffering
That They Have Caused,

Bulling Is Sad,
Its Just A Way To Show There Pain,
Why Don't They Find A Different Way?
They Bully Because They Were Bullyed,
Why Don't They Put An End To It?

Bullying Is Sad,
Everyone Has Seen, Heard And Been Bullyed,
Ive Been Bullyed,
It Causes Pain,
It Causes Lostness,
It Causes You To Lose Your Mind,

Bullying Is Sad
So Please Don't Let It Happen,
If You Do,
Just Help The Poor Boy/Girl
Whose Life Is Now Going Bye,
With So Much Pain

Bullying Is So Sad,
Its A Way To Make The Bully's
Think They Big,
Really, There Not,
They Just Need HELP!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rachi

    To true hunni
    to true