Lifes To Short

by Rachi   May 19, 2006

Lifes to short to be depressed
open up, don't be repressed
Lifes to short to be anoyed
be happy! fun! overjoyed!
Life to short to be perfect
let your hair down, don't be strict
life to short to make mistakes
one false word is all it takes.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachi

    Its not supossed to be deppressing its telling people theres no time to be depressed and you should live LIFE to its fullest!

  • 18 years ago

    by Catherine

    It's not one of the best poems I've ever heard, but it's a prety good one. One thing I question is if it really belongs under 'Poems about life' instead of 'Sad Poems: Depression'

  • 18 years ago

    by Steph Faragxx*

    Rachi Brillant Even Though Im Staying Depressed!
