
by Chris Grogan   May 19, 2006

My young fragile heart of glass,
Broken so many times in the past.
You did not show last night like you said,
I waited until two a.m., then I went to bed.
My emotions reeling,
My heart bleeding,
I will not play the fool again.
I\'ve done it too many times, I\'ve learned since then.
My heart is now ice.
I am no longer Mr. Nice.
My heart is no longer fragile like before,
It is now solid, cold to the core.
Where will you be tonight though,
I have no clue, I just don\'t know.
In the arms of someone else,
I can\'t believe that I am jealous.
Jealous because in my mind your image is dim.
It feels an eternity since I\'ve seen you.
I, in one night, you did woo.
I let down my guard, I let you in.
I opened my heart, my affections you did win.
Please tell me I did not make a mistake,
Before more of my affections, you take.
Because this has the same tone,
Of a tune I know well.
I feel like I\'m being played like hell.
What do you want out of a relationship with me?
What is it inside me that you see?
Am I blowing this whole thing out of proportion?
Am I overlooking real adoration?
Are your feelings for me true after all?
Do I just have to be patient while the pieces fall?
The Grand Illusion has thrown me a curve?
Do I try to hit? Or should I try to swerve?
Keep my defenses, keep my shield,
Swerve and I\'m all alone in left field.
Out there I know what to expect,
I only have myself to protect.
But I may miss out on quite a bit,
So do I miss or do I hit?
If I hit I stick it through.
I will see only you.
Another commitment I will have entered into.
But will you treasure our time together, or will you tear my heart in two.
It could be wonderful, it could be bad.
It may very well be the last relationship I\'ve ever had,
It could be horrible, it could tear me apart,
It could very well rip out my heart.
I would surmise though, as long as you didn\'t leave,
Because that is what hurts, that\'s what causes me to grieve.
How committed are you to me?
Based on that is what my decision will be.
Open your heart, let me read your soul.
Let me see the real you, let me see your ultimate goal.
Do you cherish the moments when it\'s just you and I?
Or is this all one big lie?
Tell me your hopes and fears under the light of the moon.
Listen to me as I pour my heart to you.
Do this so I may decide,
What the Grand Illusion has set aside.
I suppose we\'ll just have to wait and see,
If it is for real or if you\'re playing me.


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