My New Blue Shoes

by Lu   May 20, 2006

As a teenager I remember the day
I got my first pair of new shoes
they were blue and so awful
to wear them I wanted to refuse

the proud look upon my mother's face
left me feeling like a spoiled child
money was so very tight
so I just took them and smiled

at school I was teased and laughed at
because my blue shoes looked so funny
but with mom trying to support four kids
there often wasn't much money

hand me downs we wore often
these shoes were the only thing ever new
momma out of love bought them
even though our hydro bill was over due

the next week she worked overtime
trying to catch up on the bills
I hadn't even noticed
she was taking three kinds of pills

we got the phone call late one night
that momma had passed away
Aunt Sally came to pick us up
at her place we would stay

upon my pillow that night
was an envelope addressed to me
the meaning behind the blue shoes
I could now clearly see

it read " my dear precious child"
I am sorry money was always so tight
for once I wanted to buy you something new
and these shoes felt so right

were them and be proud
for the person that you are
forever I will be with you child
I will never be very far

I wore those shoes on my wedding day
something old, something blue
and momma was so right
when she said "I will always be with you"


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jabb

    Simple... yet amazing... 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Now why did you have to go and do that...making all emotional and stuff!! HAHAHA

    Wow...I didn't think the poem would end the way it did...that was creative...awesomely awesome!! lol You're writing always surprises me...I always know it's going to be good but I never expect what I get...You're amazing! This is such a good write!! :) I hope you're doing well!!!!!! Take Care!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Omg! that is amazing.. that made me cry so hard! awww.. very very very good job on this! there was so much emotion, good descriptions, and it flowed well.. this poem is definetely a 10/5! i looveed it! there were just a few spelling errors and such, but that doesn't matter with a poem this good!

  • 18 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Woah... that one tugged my heart a lot and nearly threw my emotions right off. It's not going to take much tonight for me to shed a few tears :)

    Beautiful write, so meaningful. A very good write as always Luanne.

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Love

    An ultimate piece, I really loved this poem of yours. Great write with a great flow, and it was very heartfelt. Well done! And thanks for your comment on mine.