
by Haley   May 20, 2006

Guys can be idiots and they can be jerks
cuz they don\'t understand how a girl\'s life works.
They cry for the reasons boys don\'t get
but in fifth grade there was this boy I met
he was nice and cool and I liked him a lot
but in seventh grade that\'s when things started to rot
we were good friends and everything was great
who would\'ve known it\'d lead to so much hate
he emberrassed me and I was sad
but then out of nowhere he was mad
mysn:I was so lucky to have at least one guy friend
hissn:well you just lost one
I walked away from the computer with tears in my eyes
I never thought that we\'d say our goodbyes
he was nice and funny I had a really great friend
I felt like a good friendship was starting to mend
I knew I had more guy friends but it was like he was the only one
but now that\'s it, fineto, the damage is done


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