
by Brandy   Feb 16, 2004

Its not fair,
that some babies never see daylight.
Its not your choice to take a life,
Its not your battle to fight.

Its not right,
that people can go kill someone.
But a mother just says the word,
and its all done.

If you kill someone else,
you get in jail or die yourself.
But some babies don't get that chance,
Its taken from them by someone else.

I have to know,
if you think you did the right thing.
You cant take it back,
you could try anything.

If everyone deserves a chance,
then why do you take it before the can use it?
What if your mama killed you,
just because she didn't want to hear you pitch a fit.

Abortion is not fair,
and its not right.
I don't care what you say,
think about it before you sleep at night.

Somewhere a baby is being put to death,
hurts doesn't it?
You cant do a thing,
but people still don't give a s**t.

Teenagers shouldn't do what everyone else does,
unless they plan to pay and get what they take.
Because when they mess up,
a baby pays for their mistake.

So many people cant have kids,
and they want one so bad.
There's millions of babies that are being killed,
Isn't it sad?

So before you plan to kill it,
think about it and decide.
Please don't do it,
don't kill the baby inside!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    You did great thats excatly how i feel!! Keep your legs closed you dont know what the future could hold!! lol not that i did that but for everyone else out there that runs to the clinic and gets there kid sucked out they need serious penteties for it!

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandy

    i totally understand that some ppl may have to do this and i know that its hard. but i didnt realize how somebody could do that until a few weeks ago. my friend is pregnant and her boyfriend doesnt want it. her mama said that if she got pregnant then she was going to get her b/f for stat. rape. so yea, if i was in her position i would prob have an abortion. but shes not, shes keeping it. I feel bad for her and the baby b/c they will prob go through hell with her mama and all b/c shes only 15. So im sorry if i offended anyone. im sorry. this poem is just one of the many sides to abortion.

  • 20 years ago

    by twisted faith

    i agree with u lot, killing an unborn child is worse then killing ne1 else thou cos the baby cant defend itself but pl can, like u sed u made a mistake u should live with it. dont kill summit so innocen jsut cos u were 2 stupid 2 use protection!

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandy

    Yea i know but if you look at the polls most of them are teens. but i get what your saying and i think that its wrong no matter how old you are.

  • 20 years ago

    by Brandy

    Well look, i never said that teens shouldnt do it. When i said they shouldnt do what everyone else does, i meant they shouldnt have an abortion just cause other ppl do, or b/c there boyfriends want them too, you get what im saying?

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