At every school I attend,
I'm surrounded by these
Annoying , slow, stupid machines
The mouse is too oval.
They don't let me click right or left.
It makes any process slower.
The monitor is huge and bulky,
Not to mention heavy and ugly.
The keyboard is too low,
Slowing my typing by half.
It doesn't even have a floppy drive.
The restart button is tiny.
It can't compare to the PC.
I have the option of right to left.
The mouse is much more useful,
Much more pretty too,
The monitor can be slim or thick
Wide, narrow, small or big
It has a CD drive, a floppy drive
Even a DVD burner
The keyboards are awesome
They make tapping noises
Encouraging me to go faster and faster
More options and better resolution
So I really wonder,
Why, why ooh why,
Do schools always have
Those stupid Mac computers