A request

by Ambar K   May 21, 2006

You don't love me
You never have
So why do you play
With my heart so much
Just leave me alone
And be with her
Cause it's not me that
You want, even when your
With me, you think
About her, she is always
Right and I'm always
Wrong no matter what
So why are you with me?
Just be with her
You can't sit there and talk
To me for five mints but you have
Hours and hours for her
I'm the last to know
About anything that is important
To you, when I express my
Feeling to you, you call it fighting
But when she is yelling at you
You say she is just stressed
Stop playing with my emotions
So much, stop making
Me cry day after day
I'm begging you please
just leave me alone please
And be with her


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  • 18 years ago

    by Charissa

    I felt that pain and hurt as I read this, it also made me think that i really hope that my boyfriend doesnt put me in that position and i am sry that u are, i hope that u get through it and I LOVED THE POEM 5/5