Who are you
to tell me what is
true and whats not true?!
How dare you say
im not Mia and im not Ana.
And that I have not experienced depression
in every which way!
You dont even no me.
So dont tell me
it wasnt ::LOVE::
that I felt with Lee!!!
Dont say I cant ::LOVE:: at my age!
I no my heart truly felt it,
when I only met him in the 7th grade!
What...are you better than me?
Do you have the rights to look down on me?!
I hope you`ll be the one crying
with tears in your eyes
when I pull this trigger
and say youre the reason,
I said goodbye!
(ps...someone had the nerve to tell me i wasnt depressed, i didnt love Him, ect...pi**ed me off pretty bad!)