Oh My God.

by Steph Faragxx*   May 23, 2006

Oh My God,
What Have You Done,
You Lied To Me,
You Cheated Me
My Heart Has Broken In Two,
Thanks To You

Oh My God,
How Could You,
She Was My Best Friend
You Took Advantage Of Me And Her,
I Loved You,
And I Thought You Did Back

Oh My God,
I Can Never Fall In Love Again
All This Is,
All This Was,
All This Used To Be Was Love


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rachi

    OMG sounds like someone i know (hint hint) lol brill steph and u rhymed! get on girl!
    rachi x

  • 18 years ago

    by katie taylor

    Hey girl this a awsome poem this is true it does happen to people. i hope you will comment on my poem i really do love you.
