When Sorry Means Nothing

by Alexander   May 23, 2006

I betrayed your trust once,
you took me back,
I betrayed you twice,
and yet you took me back,
and they say third times the charm,
I betrayed you thrice,
and this is when sorry meant nothing,
you left me,
I fell apart,
why God,
why am I a fool,
I loved her,
she loved me,
and now my sorry's mean nothing,
I am nothing and I deserve nothing more,
I'm sorry ,
please god let her be with a man,
who will treat her the way a beauty,
such as herself should be treated,
I wish it could be me I want to be forgiven
and yet all you can do is turn and cry,
thats when it all meant nothing,
it was all for nothing,
and thats when sorry meant nothing...


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