How do you...?

by Xox P.a.U.L.i.n.A xoX   May 23, 2006

``How do you heal I broken heart``
When All I do is Cry
``How Can I forget``
If All I can do is remember
``How Can I stop loving you``
If my heart is still beating
``How Do I let go``
When all I want to do is Hold on
``How can I fight the pain``
When You are the only cure
``How can you still say you love me``
When You hurt me so bad….

Please Come BAck


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  • 18 years ago

    by imyours4now

    Omg this is soo awesum!! yeah i still remember ya, lol. its been ages since we talkd, how hav ya been? newayz, this poem is so bloody good!!! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Kylie

    I know how you feel, i love your work!