First Day!

by Steph Faragxx*   May 24, 2006

I Saw You,
The First Day
Of The School Year,
You Were Smiling At Me,
And I Smiled Back,

We Became Friends,
Very Close Friends,
We Told Everything To Each Other,
I Thought That We Would Stay This Way,
But It Didn't,

We Saw Each Other Less,
You Always Smiled Still,
But It Was Different,
You Rang Me,
You Never Did Before,

Then One Day,
I Sat You Down,
You Told Me,
That We Couldn't Be Friends,
That It Couldn't Work
That Stayed In My Mind
For The Seconds,
That We Didn't Speak,

You Reached For My Hand,
Put It In Your Hand,
And Asked Me That,
Would I Go Out With You,
I Ask You Don't Want To Me My Mate,
He Replied Friends Cant Go Out With Each Other,
So I Love You,
I Smiled Even Through He Was Wrong,
Friends Can Love Each Other,

Even With No Answer,
He Took It As A Yes,
He Knew It Was A Yes
Of The Smile On My Face,

A Year Later,
Were Still Together,
Just Like Old Times,
I Still Remember The First Day I Saw You.


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  • 18 years ago

    by katie taylor

    That was awsome thanks for writing me comment i will do the same for i

  • 18 years ago

    by smile

    Wow this is beauiful
    give me faith in love again...!
    well done...5/5

    xXxXcomment/rate meXxXx
    ----------i'll always reply back!--------
