Comments : For my beautiful angel

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    We I Med each other

    ^^ think you met something that made sense lol but strangly i understood that line

    Oh this poem was actually so sad...(beautifully written for sure!), but it hurt me to actually read this and know that you've fallen for someone so hard and she did that to you..seriously left you for your best mmm if you can give out a love thats so beautiful and worth gold, you deserve someone who can give you that in return as well...I loved this poem it was so well written and you definatly get a five from me!

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Awww... this is such a heartfelt poem. A bit long but it was worth reading. Very well written with alot of emotions. Keep it up. And thanks for your comments on mine.

  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    This pOem was so0 deep. u captured every em0ti0n in this. it was great i l0ved it a very t0uching p0em!!! sad beautiful everything! keep up the great w0rk. n thank u always f0r ur kind w0rds 0n my p0ems.. they really mean al0t!! =] xx

    lOve frOm

  • 18 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    "occasionally"........well....she told the truth......

    You, too, are a clothed Angel.....Your Guardian Angel, When Asked Properly, Will Help .....

    ....The Worthy Journey Toward Love....

    cyber space reveals many questions......Inner space
    reveals All answers..... ..Quest On.......Strive On...

    Your poetic sensibilities are a treasure...

  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    that was sooo deeeeep!!!! I can SO relate to this one..its similar to my story!!
    I really luved your poem, the rhyme was nice and the use of words was greatly chosen!!
    my fav stanza was the 14th stanza (wow long poem lol)
    keep it up gr8 writer!
    and thanx so much for your lovely comment,they always seem to make my day!
    Best Of Luck
    NemO x0x0x0x0x

  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    Amazingly written
    I imagine that you have moved on, and i wish you the best of luck.
    with luv *amanda*

  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    Its amazing how people meet and fall in love sometimes, a meeting of the minds I think is the most beautiful of all. I love this poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by FlirtingWithDeath

    Awwwww such a beautiful peom, I adore your love poems wonderful work 5/5