"There is no more poetry between us"
Said the paper to the pen
I want to stop that stupid fuss
On myself I'll depend
The pen did not know
What's the paper talking about
But it had feelings that had to flow
Feelings of sadness with no doubt
"Can you please tell me what's hurting you?"
Said the pen to the paper
"I can feel what you're going through
And make the sadness flow as vapor"
The paper couldn't hide the feelings
She said it straight away
Did not leave anything intervening
But tried to look for a brighter day
"I'm tired of you writing about the human race
Tired from being cut just to write about sadness
All I want is to have a feeling of solace
And stop writing about the human madness
I don't know why you waste your ink
On blood having fun in pouring blood
They cause everything around them to shrink
And rather to have an arterial flood
They put themselves in the midst of violence
Just to show that they are strong
They ignore happiness with an awful ignorance
Acting as if right is wrong
I don't understand the way they live
I don't know how they handle every mistake
They are used to take but never give
And for their benefit they'll continue to take
Its hard to understand the world they live in
They kill and steal but never sacrifice
Nothing is forgotten nothing is forgiven
Not feeling guilty when they give the wrong advice
Can some one just explain to me
How they manage to survive
Can some one explain how worse it can be
When time passes and they don't manage to stay alive
They cut me all the way from the roots
Just to make you describe their agony
They tread me with their dirty boots
Just to make me feel their tragedy
I don't understand how they reach their goals
I don't understand how they communicate
It's hard to understand how they maintain their souls
When they get things to complicate
Funny how they talk about each other
Claiming they are friends
Funny how they claim to stick together
Producing a world full of ends
I don't know if I have to say more
Or maybe just keep it hidden
I find one purpose to just store
Because I'll never be forgiven
But you have to know that they use you only when they want
As if you are their slave
They make you feel bitter and gaunt
And never think of what you crave"
The pen had tears mixed with its ink
For what the paper have said
He had a little while to think
About all the ink he shed
"Sorry because I thought that I can help you with your pain
But you proved me to be wrong
We are both stuck in the game
I know its not where we belong"
The pen did not know what to say
The paper made him speechless
He tried to help in a way
But he was filled with weakness
The story ended with the paper thrown
For waking up the pen and making it realize
The pen ended up all alone
To make it more agonized