Mingled together trying to escape,
Her body was there but her soul lay some where else,
Never knowing what she was thinking,
Changing in more ways then I could've for shadowed...
Living alone in a world of solitude,
As she searches for the girl she wants to be,
Everything that once mattered lay buried,
Trying to understand why you had to change...
Wondering what happened to the girl I once knew,
Perhaps she lay trapped in your soul,
Trying desperately to be seen once again,
Unable to comprehend how much you changed...
Everyday you make more people more aware,
Of the person you are becoming,
Letting go of the past was simple,
Changing yourself came easier then anyone would've expected...
Letting go of things you once held dear,
Never able to comprehend why we can no longer be friends,
Giving up hope on knowing you once again,
Changing into a person no one wants to know...