Bloody Droplets ((Nonet))

by Brigitte   May 24, 2006

Forgive my silvery blood droplets
But I drop everyone for you
Alone tonight with this knife
Visions of you in mind
Writing your name in
My bloody wrist
Shedding this
Blood for

This is my very first Nonet! A nonet is a set of 9 lines, going down from 9 slyables to 1 with each line. Some of them rhyme and some don't!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    Nonets have always been terribly difficult for me to write because of the syllable constrictions and my love for rhythm. This was a well-constructed nonet -- the story marched on despite (or because of) the stringent rules of the style. I thought that the topic was a slightly over -done one, and that the poem didn't really introduce any new elements to it, but it was still very good.

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    Nice Nonnet! I've tried one of these. But it wasn't that good lol. You did a great job on this one though. Keep up the awesome work, I'll be sure to be checking some more of your poems out soon. =) 5/5

    `Taleee. xx.

  • 18 years ago

    by Marlena

    Hey darling that is a wonderful poem it is amazing just like you

    much love,
    Marlena Black