To Reach the Clouds

by peach   May 25, 2006

To live in heaven
and also have a life that real
You must have ran across the clouds
But this secret you must conceal

There isnt many people
Who have the chance to reach the clouds
They havent shown there thruth
To even be allowed

To have a smile that shines
which starts you on your day
means you have that someone
which stops your clouds from ever turning grey

to reach your cloud at night
means your lying awake thinking
your knowing your love is right
with him your heart is melting

to reach th clouds
you must have fallen in love with the one
to have this love
you\'ll never block the shining of the sun

never have i
had my own cloud turn grey
nor will i, even after i die
for i have you with me each and every day

*^* for billy hands *^*


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