
by PatheticLittleGirlxx   May 26, 2006

If no one sees me
Then im good
I can pretend to be happy
And pretend to smile,
And pretend im alright,
And say Im fine
But really im slowly dying
Cause my friends
They think im okay,
But they dont know me
No one does
No one knows wat I really want
So here i am now smiling
Even if its fake
No one seems to care
As long as on the surface
I am fine
Then they dont question,
No one takes the time
Too look deep into your soul,
Or under the layers of your clothes
Or under the layers of makeup
You wear each day
No one looks close enough to realize
That the look in my eye isnt happiness
its pain
so Ill smile for my friends
Ill smile everyday
And laugh so they think Im all right
But Ill go home
And cry myself to sleep at night
So no one sees the real me
The real tears
The real pain
The real blood
That stains
No one see anything beyond what they want to see
And thats the way it will stay
So take my advice
Dont ever think twice,
When letting someone in,
They will just take your heart and
And break it apart.
And make you cry all night
Make you feel worthless...
cause you are worthless to everyone
No one cares about you
and if they say they do
its just pity,
its all a lie
Dont let anyone in
They just destroy you
Just like I have been destroying
Myself day after day...
Holding in my pain
Dont let them hurt you,
Like they did to me,
Your better then this
You deserve love
But thats not going to happen is it
So lets just pretend
And act all okay...
Act like we are loved
To make other people happy.

**i got the title for this poem off a quote i read here...iu cant remembers who...but i loved it soo much i made a poem to go with it...thanx a buch who ever write it....u rock...*nods*


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  • 18 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    I love it, and I can relate to it alot. kudos

  • 18 years ago

    by smiles♥

    I love your poem! I relate to it alot...I was reading it and it sounded like my life are amazing writer...remember that...always! im sorry for all your pain...trueley!

    always here

    xox kaylyne

  • 18 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Omg wow hun, this poem was incredible! my fave lines were:

    So no one sees the real me
    The real tears
    The real pain
    The real blood
    That stains
    No one see anything beyond what they want to see

    ...just stunning! i loved it! but dont put urself down like that, ur worth so much more, and u have lots of talent :)
    take care,