I miss you Jenny
since we moved here you were my best Friend
I told you all my secrets
cause with you i know i could share
You always were by my side
when i needed you
you did so much for me
and I was too stupid to recognize that
I'm so sorry
I love you so much
and I think of you most of every day
all those things we went through together,
all those years
You were always at my side
I would do everything for having you as my best friend again
But i screwed everything up
since then we hardly ever speak to each other
we don't see each other
and I miss you so much
you look like you wouldn't care
and I'm crying everyday
because I lost you
You were the best friend I've ever had
But now it's over
and it's my fault
and I wish you could forgive me
but i know they you can't
I dream every night that you would put me in your arms and say:
It's okay,
but then i wake up and cry:
I miss you