Insight To Reality

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   May 26, 2006

A state of mind I am in today, different from all the rest.
Baffled and confused, where do I go, what do I do?
Courage had it's glory, stooping below the rest
Dizziness blurring out all sense of rationality
Energy collapsing from within these hollow walls.
Frail glass heart smashed down into pieces
Gaining nothing but pain and sorrow.
How do I stop it, how do I put an end to this?
I am doing this to myself, I know
Just, I do not know how to stop. As I whisper to my tears:
"Know what it feels like to be alone? To feel out of place"
Lullabies enticing me to the hands of death
Mommy won't help me, Daddy don't care.
Nothing to do, but sit, sit and wait.
Order the bouquets, set them upon the mantle
Precious petals drifting to the floor
Quaint pictures rusting within the frames
Rusting with time, rusting in memories
Severed ties from all sources of humanity
Tame the beast in the rotting capsule of time and space
Unwind the heartstrings plucking for a better tomorrow
Vastly underestimate what a girl like me is capable of, and then
When the time comes one day, set the light upon me
X-ray the person I am, overcrowded with switchblades and bullets
Yellow stars drenched in rain falling into these eyes,
Zany thoughts turned to gold, I will awaken.

© Jenna Elphick
May 26, 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    You are so much more than just yourself. Your talent shows.

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Whoa!!! i didn't notice the whole aphabet thing untill right at the end! that is quite amazing as generally speaking when people do these it becomes very dis-jointed but this flows brilliantly.

    fantastically written!
