He Loves You If...

by myshiningstar14   May 27, 2006

He loves you if he holds
you when you're scared,
and says:"I'll never let
you go, never!" then
gives you a kiss to make
sure you're okay.
He loves you if he travels
miles to see you, and you
know he's there to stay.

He loves if he tells you
you're his everything, his
lover, his baby girl.
He loves you if when you
get hugged by another
guy he fees like for a
moment, he missed out
on a part of his world.

He loves you if he calls
you just to say:"Good-
night, sleep tight, and
I love you."
He loves you if he calls
you so you don't worry
when he's not going to
be home.

He loves you if he always
tells you you're beautiful,
gorgeous, and all he needs.
He loves you if when you
kiss him, you never want
to stop.

He loves you if you can
just sit and talk to him and
not always be all over one
He loves you if he loves you
more than any other.
He loves you if he puts you
in front of all his friends.

He loves you if when he
leaves messages he says
I love you.
He loves you if he kisses
you in front of your sister or
your parents.
He loves you if he can admit
when he's wrong and you're

He loves you if he keeps your
lip gloss on his lips after you've
He loves you if you both know
that the other is the one.

He loves you if he doesn't
care weather you wear sweats
or jeans, one piece or two.
He loves you if he sings loves
songs in your ear, and comes
behind you and holds your
stomach, and kisses each
and everyone of your finger-

He loves you if he loves you
no matter what.
He loves you if he trusts you
with other guys.
He loves you if he encourages
you to try new things.

He loves you if he is always
there, rain or shine, tears or
He loves you if when you're
mad he pulls, he pulls you
close and is able to melt
your tears into a smile, or
even laughter.

He loves you if he can't stop
talking about how much you
mean to him, to all his friends
especially to his parents.
He loves you, just because
there\'s nothing else he'd rather
be doing, than loving you.

**these are just some ways you know someone loves you, there's tons more i am sure but these are the ones to me that stick out with my man! I wish all you gurls luck, this just goes to show there is a prince charming out there, just wait and he will come. As for the guys, i rly want ur feed back on this, is this stuff true what does it all mean? Well let me know. As always this is to my baby...love you sweetheart! xoxox *mwah*



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  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Aaahhhhh lissa, once again you've done an amazing job!!!!!
    girl, how's life in utah?
    i miss u soooooo much!!

  • 18 years ago

    by xღxBeckyxღx

    Oh my gosh :( loved this poem..it made me cry..i guess cos iv had an argument with my boyfriend im feeling a bit emotional..but this poem was still really good none the less! 5/5 definately.. :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashlie

    Trhis is very good. its also all true. i love it!!! great job!!
