When it gets made public,
You start to feel sick,
You begin to feel used,
And at times you feel your directions you can't choose,
Once all the details have been spoken,
Your heart is now offically broken,
All b/c he wanted to get inside you,
And you thought his love was true,
You began to blame yourself,
People start to worry about your health,
There afrais you;ll turn to a knife,
All because of some stupid poems that expressed your life,
The things in the poems Id never do,
Especially all over some stupid guy who said we're through,
Now I know why he cowers,
Because all the lies he told could build towers,
Like when he said " I Love You"
Or even when he promised he'd say "I Do"
Once you give away something you can never get back,
In doing that your making a pact,
The pact has now been broken,
And now my virginity has been used as just another token.