Car Ride Home

by Nicole   May 27, 2006

As the cars roll pass
Their head lights provide a show
Its so dark and dreary
Im afraid to lose myself in my thoughts
My eyes following the guard rail
Being ignorant to the fact they never change
Rewinding the day in my mind
Pausing to play my favorite parts
I always end up with you accompanied with a smile
Like always my heart takes the wheel and Im in for a ride
Youd never know how bad hope gets the best of me
There their you are,
Rapping your arm around my shoulder
I close my eyes thought hoping to seal all emotions I have yet to share with you
As I turn to you anticipating the moment our eyes lock,
Hoping my eyes were the sincerest youve seen
A tear rolls down my face and I feel like such a fool
Reality sets back in and I realize that
Day dreams are just movies of the things your heart truly desires


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