The Sweetest Thing That Exist

by firexflys   May 27, 2006

(please read part 2 the story end)

A vision of hope in the eyes of my love
A set of feelings sent from God Above
A wish to be together, a dream to come true
Hearts so full of love yet left so broken in two

A million questions on our minds
And answers we have yet to find
Thoughts about what the future may hold
Even after everything we have already been told

A love so strong not even distance can break
Love so real it can't even be faked
Proving that our love is meant to be
We just wish everyone around us would agree

Holding on to what we think is right
We found in each other what makes life bright
Feeling so lonely when were apart
Were meant to be together and we feel it in our hearts

Fighting so hard for what we seek
But no one is listening to what our hearts speak
Doing our best to pass this loves test
Because we know in this life we've been blessed

Blessed with love and care
We know what we have is very rare
Some search there whole life for love like this
It's the sweets thing that exists

©Written by fireXfly

R/R/C it would mean so much to me and I will do the same for you
I want to enter this for the contest.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    This is a very sweet poem,

    im on to read the next half of it!!

    FYI - last line... did you want that to be Sweets
    or sweetest?

  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Awww, this is really sweet.
    Wonderfully written,
    Rhyming was good.

    A love so strong not even distance can break
    Love so real it can't even be faked
    Proving that our love is meant to be
    We just wish everyone around us would agree
    My favourite stanza, reallt touching.

    Great Job,
    Keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by LiisaMariie143

    Wow. great poem. its very cute. i can relate to it. nice flow and rhymess. 5/5 good jobb!!

  • 17 years ago

    by nhat

    5/5 really good....

  • 18 years ago

    by Pretend--ToLoveMe

    I love how when you write... the words just seem to flow and the story line of the poem is just so great. So many people go through that and it makes it really interesting to read. Good job. ^.^