by Kristina May 27, 2006
category :
Sadness, depression /
It's hard to live in this world, |
by Haven
As a poem it wouldn't be perfect, but as lrics they are touching and lovely!!! 5/5 |
by hayley
Wow! yer such a great writter! that really captured something inside me, ya know? |
by Jessica
Another well written poem.. i enjoyed it.. it flowed well, the descriptions were pretty good, and you really poured your heart and soul into it.. nice job! 5/5 |
by Darien
You should put some indication to what the Verses are, what the Chorus is and if you have a bridge or interlude, just so it helps. Good stuff though. |
by Aussie
Gr8 poem...gr8 rythmeto it. there's something everyone gos through. life is hard, but u're strug. u can tell it. keep wirting:) |