Runaway Daddy

by Hilary   May 28, 2006

The phone just keeps on ringing,
Why wont you leave me alone?
Don't bring back your saddening memories
Into my now happy home.
You cant expect me to jump
At the chance to hold you close,
When you weren't there, so long ago,
When I needed you the most.
You left me to care on my own
For a helpless, darling child...
While you went ahead to live a life
Of rejection and denial.
My body, weak and fragile
Lost that precious conception,
The sweetest thing I would have known
Was left from daddy's deception.
Inside my heart, I've come to know,
That he holds on to me tight above -
He knows how much I fought for him,
He knows how much he's loved.
The feeling of his life in me,
Was more prized than any possession -
You cannot come around me now,
With your sick obsession.
I wouldn't change the past we shared,
For I got to hold his life so dear -
But you're no longer a part;
The one who caused me tears.
Our child resides in Heaven,
And you must face the day -
Knowing what God has in store for you...
A daddy who ran away.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Deaths Maiden

    A sad, yet moving poem.
    I am sorry for you, I hope you find redemption.
    Take heed it was a well written piece.