Pitter Patter of My Prayers

by Karen Simpson   May 29, 2006

Through my trials and fears
I wipe away my dirty tears
Trying to walk straight ahead
But hiding in my tears shed

Why cant I let go of the past?
These emotions should not last
Why dont they just go away?
If not today, than another day!

Will they ever leave me to be?
Tears cease falling, so I might see
These emotions were not my wish
I shouldnt have to deal with all of this

Its not my fault that all this took place
Through all of this I tried to hide my face
If I could make it go away, I would
If only it were possible -- If only I could


COPYWRITE Karen Simpson


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    Beautiful and perfect. and i mean that ...its perfect. thats the nasty little part of life , dealing with emotions. creating that perfect balence between showing and hiding them so that people arn't anoyed but they still understand. most people cant understand because we all go through different situations. the only logical and strong thing to do is to hide emotions.

    i really am sorry about this one its not meant to be this long