Comments : Your Poems Are Crappy

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieH

    Okay, your retarded Rey.. you suck at written poems, I know i's like your dream and all, but just give up, i can tell you're not going to be going too far =] hehe!

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieH

    Ya, thanx for the comment u A-hole, your poem suckED.. and i mean SUCKEDDDD lol. jpjp..even tho it did..

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieH

    Effin best poem eva!! PSHH YAA lmao. kidding u need work. lots of work.. as a matter of fact. don't bother writing. lmao luv ya rey.hah.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jesus

    Thanks a lot, everyone. Appreciate the comments.

  • 17 years ago

    by x WatCh The Tears FaLl x

    ...hey ill send u a dollar to go get a life u judge ppls work but u dont hav any ...doesnt that make sense cuz ur sooo INVOLVED wit poetry and actually know the [meaning] of it that u can say it o yea ... but hunt lemmie tell u somethin u talk crap about it like its funny HA! but ur writtin half as$ sh!t and u cant bak up what u say whoaaa..... such a comedian