by Fay   May 30, 2006

I thought everything was going fine,
All of a sudden, you crossed the line.
You forgot about me and found a new friend,
Whom I hope you keep till the very end.

You were the one I called "my friend",
The one that would be, till the very end.
Your words have cut right through my heart,
You've said the same words, you said from the start.

You always told me that I don't understand,
When I was the one who held your hand.
When something went wrong,
I was the first to come along.

I trusted you the most and chose you against the rest,
What are you trying to do? Put me through another test?
Ever since she stepped her foot in,
I was the one, who got trashed in the bin.

You always told me that, you hated the way I think,
Each time you said that, you made my heart sink.
Ever since we became close, I forgot my depression,
But now I hardly smile and show any expression.

I now see that your happy and that you don't need me,
You ignore me when I walk past and pretend you didn't see.
She was the one who made rumours about you in the past,
I hope oneday you realise that your friendship won't last.

Was our friendship all fake and just a lie?
Each word you've said has made me cry.
I wish you goodluck and all the best,
I can't believe your just like the rest.


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  • 18 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Wow, harsh but emotional. I think there are true friends. I have one. and she has been my friend for 6 years. But hay, thats me. Awsome poem, keep it up
    Your Friend

  • 18 years ago

    by Katy

    I really enjoyed this poem, its nice to know other people get shit on by their friends, you're not alone.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brokenxx [aka Alex]

    You're right, i can definately relate.. i went through the same a few months ago and i know its hard but i think the best way to try & deal is to just try and be the bigger person.
    Also, beautifully written.

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashlee

    Wow. i really really like this poem.
    ive been threw so many relationships like this.
    and if this is true, dont worry he'll come back to you once his "new" friend betrayed him.
    but if i were you, i wouldnt lelt him come back. give him a taste of his own meds!
    hehe :)

    keep up the amazing work.

  • 18 years ago

    by breanne

    I love this poem, i can really relate to it. ive had a friend tha did the same thing to me