by Jo Hornsey
Hey, this poem is so sad but amazing! you have real talent! keep it up!!! |
by Jen
This poem is great i really love it :D i loved the way you put it together and it was sooo full of emotions and it was just completely amazing :D 5/5/5/5 -Jen- |
by Nee
WoW!!!! |
by Megann Lee
Wow. This poem is amazing. I love how it flows and the wording. I enjoyed it quiet abit, it dragged me in, and I could relate rather well. Great Job. |
I love it. It's the perfect description of photographs. You described beautifully everything about them and what they mean to you. The rhyming was good, and the words were original. |
Goodness... it amazes me how your poems have a beautiful rhyme scheme and still sound like they wernt even thought about like you express your feelings so truley and it comes out to a beautiful masterpiece...your poetry is true artwork..keep up the good work and keep me posted with your new stuff |