No Place For You

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   May 31, 2006

I could be honest for a minute or two
And say that i still care
But then i could realize the truth about you
And say how happy i was when you weren't there

I guess you'll never realize
How much damage you have done to me
When your whole world dies
Then i guess you'll finally see

That you made my nights hell
My days full of pain
I couldn't rebel
I just went insane

How could you exclude a girl
From her life and friends?
You kept me away from the world
You drug me to so many dead ends!

And now you're back here
Asking me to give another chance
But I'm not crazy, dear
I wouldn't even give you a second glance

Yeah, you're right
I have made a major change
I have finally seen the light
My life, I'm starting to rearrange

And i have NO PLANS for you
To be in the life of mine
No matter what you do
You will never get back my time

So you can keep hell to yourself
And get out of my way
Because it's not so hard to tell
That without you, I'm doing OK


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