Comments : Black Dog Blues

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    what a powerful flippin poem....wowww...I mean, first you wanted to make me cry apparently by beating up this poor dog :( and then I wanted to cry at the end because of the state of affairs in our sorry ass world. This was an excellent story, with a very compelling moral to I will keep lookin for ya of course..take care, Luv Michelle :)

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    I can't believe you have a 3.7 on this so far as of now....people must be blind I swear..I, of course, gave you a's a very important topic and what a unique way to look at it...luv..

  • 21 years ago

    by craig

    M you are far too sweet, but please dont stop. This was meant to be an experiment, to see if i could sustain the rhyme and throw in meaningful words. I prefere free form poetry but having read a lot of your work lately I thought I`d take the plunge. Found it quite restricting at times, but when the right word popped into my head it was quite rewarding. As ever thanx again for your encouraging words

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    I'm sorry, but I couldn't read it...I begain reading it, got to the 2nd verse, and quit...I hurridly got out, I'm sorry, I'm sure it was a great poem, but I just couldn't read somethin like that, I would break down crying, and right now I need not to cry, I'm sorry once again, But knowing something like that happened, breaks my heart in two...even if it wasn't true, i really dont' think that I couldnt' read it anyway

  • 21 years ago

    by paddy

    my god i'm crying as i write this.
    that was aweful what happened
    how you captured the meaning my god
    you are a fantastic writter,
    amazing i love all of your poetry,
    i'm lost for words truley amazing
    never stop
    love always

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    I never ever expected that to end the way it did. WOW...I don't even know what to say. It's so sad...Excellent poem!! Keep it up and take care..