What you mean

by Cara   May 31, 2006

What you mean to me i really cant explain.
You bring a smile to my face and never any tears
I have trusted you with my heart from the very start.
You have gave me the strength to wanna live everyday.
What you mean to me i really cant explain but i know you see it in my eyes everyday.
I'm glad that you have chosen me to be a part of your life
What you mean to me will remain to everyone else a mystery
But to each other we will know deep down in are souls how we feel about each other all of this is real i couldn't make something so wonderful up

What you mean to me i hope you know!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    Hey, it's been so long. The last time I remember talking to you was at the fair. It was so awkward. Congrats on the baby girl you are about to have. I bet she'll be a beauty. I think about you alot and hope that all is going great. Sometimes I wonder what all you are up to. So much has changed since high school. I love feeling like a true adult now. I just bought a tracfone. Mainly for emergencies when I'm out on these dangerous snowy roads. Maybe you could call me sometimes. It's...269 845 6865. I just wanted to let you know, that I miss you alot and I hope the best for you. Well I hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Congrats once again on the baby girl. So what will you be naming her? Ttyl...jen fox

  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    OMG, I like wrote this entire long ass thing for you and it didn't send through!!! :((( I can't even remember what all I wrote! I'm sorry. LOL. Stupid ass computer! I should just throw it at a wall. Nah, I won't go that far! Well I know that one part I asked if you knew your address so maybe we could write each other through snail mail or do you remember mine that way we can talk somehow! I know what you mean about the long distance phone calls. I was thinking about that the other day. Mom and dad would be so pissed off at me again if I called long distance. But I didn't care the other day anyways b/c I really wanted to talk to you. Dang, I wish I knew what all I wrote. It was long, I'm telling you! Plz forgives. Well I guess when we talk next time or maybe write hopefully through snail mail then we can write what all we've both been up to. I'm so happy to hear from you again. I'm so excited to b/c I've missed you so much. Well I will talk to you later. Take care, your friend, Jen-lov ya bunches

  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    Hey girl,,,I called you today but you weren't home. :( I really do want to talk to you. I miss you so freaking much and I hope we can seriously work things out! When are you normally home so I can call around the right time. Well I hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/forever but anyways, take care...and I still love ya bunches, your friend, jen--sry I ever hurt you!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    Hey...remember me?...i'm the messed up '!tch you left back here in Cass! I'm sorry Cara for everything. I just wish I could beable to talk to you again. Do you still hate me? And if you do it's understandable. I'm glad you found true love again. You deserve it. I seen you at our graduation and I was about to walk over and try to say something but I didn't know how to say what I was feeling. And I still don't. I'm trying the best I can! Well if you want to talk sometime, you know who I am, you know how to contact me, and I'll always be around to reply! Take care, Jen