That Face, that Beautiful Face

by myshiningstar14   May 31, 2006

Deep choclate caressed eyes,
that glisten in the suns light.
Seeping heart of gold, that
shines with all its might,
through your gorgeous smile.

That face, that beautiful
face was created by a
Father\'s loving hands.
That face, that beautiful
face was given the Father\'s
touch. One look at you was
all He needed to know He
loved you, and one look
is all I need.

Pure minded innocence,
thta reads my thoughts,
and has me caught.
Roaring ocean of love
that beats upon your
cheast, and has us set.

That face, that beautiful
face has been kissed bythe
Father. That face, that
beautiful face has been
given a blessing far greater
than any outward beauty
could comprehend.One look
at you was all He needed to
know He loved you, and one
look is all I need.

Prescious hidden silver
tipped wings, that send
us on flight whenever
you\'re near. Luscious
forbidden red kissed
lips, that mend us
together when we\'re

That face, that beautiful
face is forseen as one
of the Father\'s best creations.
That face, that beautiful
face is the face of the man
I love. One look at you was
all He needed to know He
loved you, and one look is
all I need.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by mike

    Good job

  • 17 years ago

    by mike

    Good job

  • 18 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Omg!!!! lissa, you are truly an artist!! this is one of your best masterpieces!! it's amazing how much your love for john shines through. never stop loving him!!! he's a great kid.
    anywayz, keep up the awesome work!!
    luv ya!!