Wake up, Adam.
We are being evicted.
Evicted for what?
That apple, don't you remember?
Oh, you mean that stash we wasn't supposed to get into.
Yeah, remember we weren't supposed to get into that.
Yeah, what was in that apple any ways? Everything still seems so cloudy.
Adam, wake up, damn it.
I am not kidding there is a angel with a flaming sword and he says we have to leave.
But I like it here.
Where in hell are we supposed to go.
I don't know, Adam.
I am scared, too.
We have always lived here.
What am I supposed to wear to an eviction?
Oh, yeah.
We have to wear a covering.
You know that really sucks.
Adam, do these fig leaves make me look fat?
Why are you asking me?
How in the hell am I supposed to know?
Get your ass up, Adam.
We got to get the hell out of here.
Jeez, it is my day off.
I know, honey.
We will make it somehow.
Hurry he is getting closer.
OK, jeez, I am up.
Are you freaking happy, now?
Well it ain't all my damn fault.
You ate the apple, too.
That is it I ain't eating another damn apple as long as I live.