I haven't written in a long time, after that day
Kat couldn't take you looking at me that way!
I should have never gone to your game
Kat got so jealous she killed herself! She said I ruined it all!
I couldn't save her, she could only fall, and her mom blamed me!
She kicked me out and now I'm back with my mom, she's changed
she hits me and throws shit at me, Josh, Why did this happen?!
I'm not even aloud to go to Kat's funeral!! It's all my fault
I screwed up everything, YOU screwed up everything
I'd be OK if you would have just talked to me to begin with!
I'm back on drugs again, I have nothing else to turn to
I haven't got anything left, not even you
You didn't care when I got sent to an asylum!
You didn't care when my father beat me and my mom!
You didn't care when I was having drug problems!
You didn't care when my dad DIED!
You didn't care when I had to move out of my own house!
How do you like me now, Josh? huh? You made it worse!
I bought a bunch of drugs with the money I stole from mom's purse
I just took 2,000 Mg of zoloft and drank a bottle of liquid lure tab
I just snorted 6 ounces of crack, how do you like me now? not half bad
Eh, I'm on meth, heroin, cocaine, you name it I'm on it!
This is your fault because you never gave a shit!
I know where one of my mom's boyfriend's keeps his gun
It's over, I can't take it anymore, Kat's dead, you abandoned me
I don't want anything to do with this life anymore!
(smears of blood)