Forgive me,
for i never let the sun shine
and never thought to dance
with the stars on a nice
cool night
i always seemed
to let the world see
these tears stream down my cheek
like rain drops to the world
but forgive me lord
i couldn't help myself
so here i am
trying hard to get by
but those thoughts in my mind
always seem to find its way
to my head
telling me to do those things
when i know better then that
please let many more friends
come this way
to show me just how much
you do love me lord
cause sometimes i need to be reminded
just once in a great big while
that you do love me
even though i know this already
so forgive me lord
for thats what i need right now
in my life
cause in order to forgive myself
i need to know you forgive me
for all that i didn't do
and forgive me for all
the bad that i did do