When you ask me why i cut

by LifeThroughMyEyes   Jun 3, 2006

When you ask me why i do it,
i honostly dont know.

when you ask me if i feel it,
i say it doesnt show.

when you ask me if i did it,
cause u was mad at you,
my head falls my heart breaks and i sofltly tell you \"no\".

*alternate ending for last paragraph.

when you ask me if i did it,
because i was mad at you,
my head falls,
my heart breaks,
and i finally tell the truth.


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  • 18 years ago

    by DeadlyObsession

    This is a really awesome poem thankks for the comment on minee. yeahh ive quit for a month or maybe more now maybe 2. it feels good to not do it even tho im tempted too. i partly dont do it b/c i have to work now and i can but w/e the reason im glad i dont. i hope you quitt tooo

  • 18 years ago

    by Mar

    I like the secxond ending better !

  • 18 years ago

    by chris

    Love the alternate endings and the conflict there between telling the truth and not. the battles in our heads like that are often the hardest

  • 18 years ago

    by uponfairywings

    Aw I like this poem, you did a great job.

    xoxoxo Haley

  • 18 years ago

    by Jordan

    I like that you made two endings, that way you can take the poem into your own head and run with it. I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my cutting poem. I do have to put on that face...because else then Id be exposed ya know? Anyways good poem.

    Much Love,