Die Today

by Beverly Chapman   Jun 4, 2006

Written 11/14/2002

I want to die today
I want the world to fade away
I want the world to feel my pain
While I slowly drain
The life from my body
All I need is a knife
And I will kill myself
I will cut piece by piece
Blood will flow everywhere
No one will care when I leave
This horrid happy place
Everyone will keep on living
While I'm already dead
I want to cut 3 inch slits
All over my body
So they can put me back together
like a jig-saw puzzle
Give my puzzled body to those
Who think everything is A.O.K
No one realizes I am deadly unhappy
No one cares
I will finally be able to laugh
when you see my broken body
Maybe then you will realize
What everything you do and say to me has caused


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