Standing in the Rain

by Jemma   Jun 4, 2006

I've been stood outside
Swimming in the rain
It's been so long but it lasts forever
My hearts still beats for you

Will you come and change your mind?
Won't you come back to me?
See me through the mess I've made
Just because I dreamt of you
Just because I fell in love with you

I don't think I'll tread the same paths again
The rains erased them and now they're overgrown
Don't think I'd find my way now
I've no one to lead me along

I was crying when I was younger
Used to sit relishing in my despair
I always knew you'd fix me the next day
Always knew you'd be there to hold my hand

It's getting so cold outside
Rain keeps trickling down my face, cleansing me
And only I see the blood that's washed away
As my heart bleeds, staring at your closed door


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